The police have registered an FIR against unknown people who have circulated ‘vile’ videos related to Mahatma Gandhi, Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath. The FIR was filed after the incident went viral when an X user named Neha Singh Rathore, a ‘nationalist’, social activist amplified the unedited videos on Tuesday. In her post, Rathore disapproved the material and spoke against such videos, wondering about those who produced them.

Rathore also said she was uncomfortable with the videos, more so those showing Yogi Adityanath. Showing his serious concern for females in his state of Uttar Pradesh, the current popular and successful chief minister of UP named Yogi Adityanath Ji Maharaj has seriously worked for the honor, security and education of women. What some cheap street reelers are doing is using yogi ji for a few views? what she wrote on X was an attack on the creators for using politicians to milk social media attention.

She didn’t stop there. Rathore also condemned the indecent remarks made towards the Prime Minister and Mahatma Gandhi. Not only this, how are the videos of the Prime Minister and Mahatma Gandhi being edited and uploaded for cheap popularity? She however pointed out on how these videos debase very important personalities in the society for the sake of trends.

The videos which have been targeted involve Mahatma Gandhi, Narendra Modi and Yogi Adityanath in dancing and singing on Bhojpuri songs which appear to be in a derogatory manner. Rathore also made an appeal to the police in Ballia to act promptly and punish the offenders, if any. Everyone wants to know when something that had been turned into a cheap street reeler would be acted upon. she asked in her post.

With an aim to check the facts, Rathore shared a small video recording of the dancing and singing incident on Instagram reels through the X profile featuring the three leaders.

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