Actress Kangana Ranaut, who is actively participating in BJP politics, recently supported the re-enactment of three farm laws which later were repealed during the previous year. I belong to the AIMIM, but on my own, I expressed my political opinion when I made the statement about Alpesh Thakore’s programme,” Ranaut said, adding that she has nothing to do with the BJP. This was regrettable. She said it in front of the many people she knew had a lot of faith in her and believed in her.

During her statement, Ranaut answered the questions raised by the media about the farmer laws, saying that farmers should try to pressure PM Narendra Modi to reconsider the repeal of the laws. But soon, she realized that her utterances had stirred up the society negatively. “That is why many people are disappointed and disheartened by my statement,” she said, adding that it is crucial to consider the position of a political party.

Negotiating the past, Ranaut admitted that many, including herself, supported the laws regarding farmers when they were first introduced. But she singled out Modi for the positive step he has taken to withdraw the laws, pointing out that did it in a very sensitive manner with a lot of sympathy. She further said that the party workers have the responsibility to accept the decision made by the Prime Minister, as well as value the words delivered by him.

Kangana Ranaut continued to state that she is not just an actor but a worker of the Bharatiya Janata Party, and as such, She should have the same view as the party. After that speech, the BJP denied supporting her statement since she was not allowed to comment on the farm bills on behalf of the party. Another BJP folksinger, Gaurav Bhatia, also supported this stand and made a point that whatever Ranaut said was her own perception and did not in any way endorse the BJP’s stand. This incident again shows renewed active conflict over the farm laws and the measured approach of the BJP in terms of how they address the issue.

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