Atishi formally assumed the role of the Chief Minister of Delhi on Monday, but the seat remains unfilled by Arvind Kejriwal, who she mentioned will resume his post after the Delhi assembly elections due in February 2025. Last but not least, Atishi validated this poll by comparing herself to Bharat, who was portrayed as the truthful and industrious brother of lord Ram, who ruled Ayodhya for 14 years while his brother was in exile. “Indeed, I used to suffer like Bharat whenever Ram was away. With the same passion that Bharat displayed, I will serve the Delhi government for the next four months,” she said.

In her arguments, Atishi pointed out the ethical aspects of Lord Ram’s story to ensure that Kejriwal set the political ethical standards for other Indian politicians. She slammed the BJP for constantly targeting Kejriwal, describing how Kejriwal faced baseless charges, imprisonment and a complicated trial. ‘The Supreme Court even observed that his arrest was driven by animus,’ she added, underscoring Sept. 25, the unfair treatment of Kejriwal.

She also left it very explicit that the privileged chair of the Chief Minister was rightfully in possession of Kejriwal, at least until the unsuccessful masses decided to acknowledge his purity. ”He will not sit on this chair unless the people declare him honest,” she continued. Atishi also stood by her statement that the forthcoming assembly elections will reinstate Kejriwal as the AAP leader, saying, “He will again sit on this chair. Otherwise, it will remain in this room and wait for him until then and so on.

Kejriwal stepped down on September 17 and was freed on bail in a corruption complaint involving the withdrawal of the 2021-22 Delhi excise policy. He mentioned resignation as a factor that would help him defend himself against such accusations since he needs the support of the people of Delhi to reclaim his job.

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