New Delhi: After resigning from the post of CM, Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) convenor Arvind Kejriwal addressed the people for the first time in ‘Janta Ki Adalat’. Kejriwal also started preparations for the Delhi assembly elections by participating in the ‘Janta Ki Adalat’ organized at Jantar Mantar on Sunday. Kejriwal said- I am not a leader, I do not have a thick skin. It matters to me when they call me corrupt-thief. Today my soul is in pain and that is why I have resigned. During this, he also asked 5 questions to RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat while targeting BJP.

Arvind Kejriwal said in his speech at Jantar Mantar that we worked honestly for 10 years, so Narendra Modi started thinking that if we want to win against them, we should attack honesty. They made false allegations of corruption against us. They selectively put our ministers and leaders in jail.

Kejriwal said, ‘April 4, 2011 was the day when the anti-corruption Anna movement started. We were running the government with honesty, gave facilities to the public. Made electricity free, made water free, made buses free for women. Made the elderly go on free pilgrimages. Built hospitals, mohalla clinics and excellent schools. Worked honestly for 10 years.

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