The Union Home Minister Amit Shah has paid a visit to the affected victims of Naxalite violence in New Delhi, the people who have become the victims of the violence perpetrated in Chhattisgarh, those who lost their dear ones or have been physically disabled in the fight against the Naxalite. In this meeting, Shah again underlined that the government of India had its resolve to rid the country of both the Naxal violence and the militant revolutionary ideology that inspired it.

Amit Shah also pointed out that the Modi government has made headway in controlling Naiks in almost all parts of the country except for the four districts of Bastar. He said that the government of India is committed to wiping out Naxalism from the country by March 31, 2026, and the government is committed to doing this before the said date. He also called upon Naxalites to lay down arms and come to the laws, thus also calling for a path of peace.

The meeting was held simultaneously with the protest moving a group of Bastar residents at the Jantar Mantar, Delhi, demanding justice and peace in their area. The group demonstrated under the name ‘Bastar Shanti Samiti’ and started the protest from Karmachari Path, reaching Jantar Mantar in the afternoon. They spoke volumes for change, stating that the situation in their countries has been characterized by violence.

Manguram Kawade, the coordinator of the Bastar Shanti Samiti, whom many in the region have likened to the dancing auspicious elephant, explained and understood the suffering and anguish of nearly three generations of people held hostage by Naxalite mayhem. He also condemned the violence that cripples their villages and the lack of improvements in their region, adding that the people of Bastar must be allowed to speak out. The group is asking to stop the cycle of violence that has interrupted the lives of the people and is demanding justice and the return of peace for the restoration of the community’s dignity and hope.

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