New Delhi: AAP chief Arvind Kejriwal is all geared up to give up all government privileges, including his official residence and cars after he resigned yesterday as Delhi’s chief minister. A party functionary privy to the development said that Kejriwal has decided to give up these benefits, which he enjoys at the moment due to his resignation. However, there is no timeline mentioned on when this would happen.

Kejriwal has been living in bungalow Six, situated on Flag Staff Road in Civil Lines in Delhi, since 2015. His stay at this home raised eyebrows because of the construction work that was conducted at this house while he was in occupation, which was an issue of concern. Now that his resignation has been accepted conditionally, Kejriwal will be forced to leave the bungalow as soon as the acceptance is formalized.

On Tuesday, Kejriwal resigned, and AAP’s Atishi claimed the party could form the government next. Earlier, Kejriwal proposed his replacement — Atishi Kumar — as the next AAP CM, with the party legislative assembly’s permission to pick the successor. Once these procedures are over, Atishi is expected to lead Delhi.

According to Sect 239AA (5) of the Indian Constitution, the President of India appoints the chief minister of Delhi. These ministers are hired upon the recommendation of the chief minister of the government or the state involved. A Delhi government official pointed out that the resignation procedure is done with the approval of the President to usher in a new CM. “The resignation has to be tendered and, in addition, be received by the President,” said the official, adding that until it is accepted, the incumbent chief minister and Cabinet remain in their posts.

This means that the notification for the acceptance of Kejriwal’s resignation will be given once it is tendered, transmitted, and accepted by the President. It will only be after this that the shift will be made to the new leadership, led by Atishi.

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