In a latest incident, the Chhattisgarh State Gramin Bank management locked the house of Tokeshwari Manjhi President Chhura Janpad on Monday at Amamapara. This was done after the bank management had taken the case to the District Magistrate, Deepak Agarwal, at the Gariaband Collectorate. As per the bank, the accused couple, Tokeshwari Manjhi and her husband Kadam Manjhi, had availed a home loan of ₹20 lakh on August 6, 2019. However, by December 14, the total amount of dues and interest of ₹2.76 lakh from others had risen to ₹22.76 lakh. Regardless of the several reminders given to them, they were unable to repay the loan amount.

Finally, after a proper hearing, District Magistrate Deepak Agarwal put his order in place, and by that order, the bank started sealing the house in Amamapara. The bank had resorted to legal action due to constantly delayed contracts in paying its loans, hence arriving at the final ploy of seizing property.

With respect to this, Ramesh Mehta, the Tehsildar of Chhura, said that the house in question has been taken over legally by the collector of Gariaband, and the bank has also physically taken possession of the same. He said what happened was related to a loan taken by the Manjhi family, which did not pay the amount to the bank by the due date.

The sealing of the property took place in the presence of some senior personnel from the bank, among them the Regional Manager, Mr. Harvinder Singh Amber Gupta, and the Branch Manager, Mr. Pradeep Gehrawal. The action is also a lesson that default on loans has a legal implication, especially when it involves huge amounts of money, as displayed in this instance. It remains in the bank’s possession until its legal status is clarified or when all outstanding dues are paid.

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