A private helicopter flight from Mumbai to Hyderabad met the accident in one of the villages in Pune called Paud on Saturday. All four persons on board suffered minor injuries. The helicopter, which belonged to a private aviation firm, came crash landing near Paud, a village in the Pune district, and while causing a certain amount of panic, was, fortunately, not fatal.

The accident occurred in the afternoon; even to this date, the causes of the crash have not been determined, but the research shows that the helicopter might have had some technical problem. “A private helicopter crashed near Paud village in Pune district. The helicopter was of a private airline. It was on its way from Mumbai to Hyderabad and four persons were on board. Their condition is being assessed,” informed Pankaj Deshmukh, Superintendent of Police, Pune Rural, to the media.

People inside and the wounded were evacuated immediately, and all were taken to the adjacent hospital. Doctors said that while the wounds are grave, it does not seem as if the lives of the afflicted persons are in danger. Law enforcement agencies and firefighters arrived quickly on the scene to prevent the worsening of the situation and attend to all those who were wounded in the crash.

Huge questions about the safety measures of private aviation firms within the region following the crash have been asked. The local authorities are anticipating that the Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) will investigate to find out the cause of the crash and ensure that aviation accidents are not repeated in the future.

Some said they heard a loud noise just before the crash, and they found several individuals crowded around the area. Police have since guarded the scene to allow investigators to effectively analyze the scene and remains of the fuselage. It has also brought to debate the safety measures and checks that need to be implemented and the maintenance of private helicopters flying in Indian territories.

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