New Delhi: Currently, there was a gruesome incident in Delhi which exposed some of the major challenges in their emergency response system, and since then, Zomato has vowed to bring the changes. One Anjali faced an issue where the Zomato rider, Lalan, had a crash incident and was injured, but the lady could not connect with the Zomato helpline. Regrettably, she tried calling the people from Zomato several times, but none of them answered her call back.

Due to such unresponsiveness, Anjali had to intervene, enrolled herself on the course and pretended to be a student. She went into the ditch to tend to the unconscious rider and used the man’s phone to call Zomato’s helpline for emergencies, but to her frustration, she was not attended to. She said the rider, Lalan, opened her eyes and cried. The other Zomato riders, who were at the scene, dialled the helpline number also, but they received no help.

Understanding the gravity of the problem and the kind of commotion that was needed, Anjali decided to dial the Police Control Room (PCR). Within ten minutes of the PCR call, the helpline accepted the call and assured the deployment of police personnel to the crash scene. By then, customers were already complaining to Lalan of slow restaurant delivery services. Anjali later tried to control the situation by doing the same and informing the customers via a call and sms from Lalan’s phone. This also did not work as more complaints came in.

Following that, the people over at the Zomato service centre started calling Lalan to ask why the delivery had not taken place. Finally, Anjali turned quite unhappy and accusative, voicing what she felt as the company’s lack of concern for the lives of its clients, the riders. She explained and gave examples of the other riders who had come to assist in the incident also reporting cases of complaints in order to be chased away from the scene.

One day, Zomato called Lalan via its emergency telephone operators, although the police had admitted him to a hospital when they contacted him. This event has led to an analysis of Zomato’s emergency response procedures and the need for some changes to enhance the quality of life of distressed riders.

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