The leader of Opposition, Rahul Gandhi, once again targeted the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) for the terror attacks that took place in Jammu and Kashmir over the past few months. He continued saying that the soldiers and their families are paying the costs due to the policies of the government. Further, he went on to say that unity is needed against terrorism and held the ruling government accountable, demanding for actions to be taken against those who were responsible for the security lapses.

On X, Rahul Gandhi condoled the death of 4 soldiers while the sixth major terror attack occurred this year in the Jammu region. He also appealed to the sovereignty of the government to own up to the concerns of insecurity and to perform exemplary actions against anyone planning or already indulging in the plans of bringing havoc to the nation as well as its soldiers. Gandhi underscored that this demand originates from every patriotic Indian meaning this situation is severe.

Rahul Highlights the Situation

Rahul Gandhi, the leader of the opposition in the Lok Sabha, highlighted how frequently terror attacks were taking place in Jammu and Kashmir. He continued to term the string of attacks as an indication of a decline in security situation, especially in the region, and called for concerted and proper measures in defending the civilians and military besides.

Later, Congress President Mallikarjun Kharge also spoke on the same lines and asked for a ‘wise pruning’ of the security measures in view of the ongoing terror attacks. Kharge noted that the government is moving as if ‘all is well’ and stressed that national security should not be violated by ‘bluff, bluster, bunkum‘ With this, he condemned the acts of terrorism and raised concern over its effect on the Jammu region.

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