Bhopal: On the seventieth World Environment Day today, the Namami Gange Campaign is being inducted. In this context, all these will be in this campaign up to Ganga Dussehra on June 16. The name of this mass campaign is ‘Namami Gange’ for the entire state, and the initiative shall be launched by none other than the Chief Minister of Madhya Pradesh, Dr. Mohan Yadav.

The ‘Namami Gange’ campaign initiation program includes the worship of the river Ganga, and this event will take place as soon as Chief Minister Dr Mohan Yadav reaches the origin site of the Betwa River at Jhiri Baheda in Raisen district of Madhya Pradesh. For his part, the Chief Minister will also participate in the planting of trees, which is set to be done alongside the inauguration when observing the world environment day.

The above campaign, beginning on World Environment Day on June 5 and ending on June 16, Ganga Dussehra aims to spread as much awareness as possible regarding water conservation and water bodies’ cleanliness. Prevention and increased water consciousness will be promoted during this period through various activities.

‘Namami Gange’ is essentially a component of a substantially religions-initiated approach towards reviving the streams of India, especially the Ganga. Ganga is more than a religious symbol; it is an essential source of water for over half a billion people for drinking, cultivating food, and other commercial purposes. Nevertheless, the standards of living of the people living close to the river have improved over the years with increased industrial activity and sewage discharge to the river. This campaign aims to cover these with the objective of eradicating these vices through initiatives such as tree planting, cleaning of the -riverine fringe and sustainable practices.

The Chief Minister of Raisen has earmarked his knowledge and support for the conservation of the environment, which is central to combating the challenges facing society today. This simply means that Dr Mohan Yadav is creating a model for the Betwa River communities, being an example of how worship and tree planting by the communities concerned can be used in worship and re-establishment of the natural water sources, namely the Betwa River.

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