New Delhi: On Saturday, Kejriwal requested the Enforcement Directorate not to interfere with his party affairs and also sought more time to surrender before the court. However, the agency opposed both moves, stating that the apex court had granted him interim bail the previous month. The ED said Kejriwal had falsely claimed that he was suffering from various ailments, including abdominal pain and breathlessness. Kejriwal, arrested on March 21 under charges of alleged corruption in Delhi’s excise policy, had claimed to have lost six kilos since his arrest. The ED, however, rejected this argument, arguing that on that day, he was actually one kilogram heavier.

The Delhi court ordered this after the Supreme Court ordered Kejriwal to surrender, which means the next hearing is on June 5, making the Delhi Chief Minister serve his two-week sentence in Tihar Jail beginning June 2.

Delivering a public address on Friday, Kejriwal stated that maybe he has cancer or some other disease, which led to him losing quite a lot of weight recently. He had moved the Supreme Court requesting a further extension of the interim bail granted to him, however, the Supreme Court office declined to entertain the same, assuring him that he could approach the trial court for a regular bail. After this, all understandings came to an end; Kejriwal appeared through his counsel and sought permission to seek regular bail at Rouse Avenue Court, Delhi.

Kejriwal stated that he required a week to physically exhaust himself and run numerous checks to rule out critical illnesses. In an assailing strategy during the court proceedings, the ED accused Kejriwal of not ever undergoing any medical tests despite claiming to have taken specific kinds of tests. Instead, the agency alleged, he was travelling across the country and that his persistence and tenacity paid off when he was finally arrested in Calabar in December the same year.

ED also had objected to the application of Kejriwal in his interim bail pending the final disposal of his regular bail plea, stating that the Supreme Court has allowed him to seek only regular bail and not an extension of the interim bail.

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