New Delhi: On Tuesday, Arvind Kejriwal, the Chief Minister of Delhi, kept his part answer to a defamation case by saying that AAP leader Atishi has been issued a summons by a Delhi court and added that the Delhi minister would be the next to be arrested. However, in a post on X, Kejriwal said that all the opposition leaders would be put behind bars if Narendra Modi became the prime minister again.

Kejriwal, whose interim bail in the Delhi excise policy case will expire on 2nd June, told central agencies that AAP leaders are being targeted with false cases. He said these steps aligned with the authority’s overall strategy to suppress dissenting voices. “I said earlier that they would arrest Atishi next. They are planning to do so now. Complete dictatorship. They are arresting all leaders of AAP one by one in completely flimsy, frivolous and false cases,” the Delhi Chief Minister said on X.

Delhi Court has asked Atishi to appear before it on June 29 in relation to a defamation lawsuit filed by BJP’s Praveen Shankar Kapoor. This comes against political vandalism as the AAP leaders involved in the legal cases claim were politically motivated by Kejriwal.

The fact that Kejriwal has likewise voiced his anxiety regarding using lawful tools to silence protestation evidences that genuine apprehension prevails in the camp of opposition leaders. He stressed the need to preserve democratic initiatives and halt the encroachment upon rights enshrined in the Charter. Kejriwal identifies the defamation case taken against Atishi as proof of how the ruling party uses legal means to pressure counterparts from the opposition.

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