Bhopal: Madhya Pradesh is now experiencing a severe heatwave enhanced by the hot sun, which alerts the state administration. Due to extreme weather conditions, the ambitious health department has revoked all leave for doctors to maintain fully functional medical services. To meet these needs, Chief Minister Dr. Mohan Yadav has recently appealed to people of the state to use necessary precautionary measures to protect themselves against the burning hot weather conditions.

Today is the second day of the hot Nautapa in MP, which affects the entire region and, for some people, is known as the scorching season. Understandably, with increasing cases of infection, CM Yadav has urged people to be cautious at the moment. He said this in a way that people should only leave their homes except when there is an urgency. The Chief Minister explained that the state is undergoing a terrible hot wave, and the incidence of heat-related issues, especially heat stroke, is always high.

We have also seen community support mentioned by CM Yadav while highlighting the difficulties faced during this phase. He called upon the inhabitants to supply water to others from such sources as they wished. This concerns people and the flora and fauna in the natural environment, where many are cramped up because of the worst weather conditions. Besides, the Chief Minister said that to respond to the needy by offering water and food is quite effective for understanding and coming closer to nature in the present situation.

Besides these appeals, today’s government is not waiting for adverse situations to occur, and it is taking many precautionary measures for the heatwave. Governor Patterson has urged hospitals and medical centers nationwide to be alert for such heat-related conditions. To that effect, awareness creation interventions are being conducted in various communities to ensure that citizens identify the signs of heat stroke and how to avoid it. The administration is also ensuring that there are enough stocks of water and medical items in the vulnerable areas as well.

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