On Monday, the Supreme Court disposed of a petition moved to seek the removal of Arvind Kejriwal from his post as Delhi’s Chief Minister, having gone through the issue of his arrest in connection with the excise policy case. The Court has underscored that there is no specific legal right for the said demand.

The rejection of the petition is a major legal step that takes place in the ongoing controversy surrounding Arvind Kejriwal’s time as Delhi Chief Minister. The impeachment motion proponent wanted Kejriwal to be sacked owing to his arrest for corruption in the excise policy case.

This decision by the Supreme Court underscores the principle of legal propriety and the separation of powers between the judiciary and the executive. The court’s ruling clarifies that the mere occurrence of an arrest does not automatically warrant the removal of an elected official from their position.

In the same way, the judgment’s position that there is no cause for calling Kejriwal’s removal from office during this case explains the foundation of law and the established rules and procedures. It puts it on the analytical plane of the legality of this or that measure, not story-telling, on its merit or public opinion.

Besides, the Supreme Court’s rejection of the petition also means that there are other political issues in Delhi that need to be addressed. It is a signal to the legality that any issues against the officials, the elected one, must go through stringent criteria and should be constitutionally right before being used for political purposes.

Arvind Kejriwal’s arrest in the excise policy case sparked controversy and raised questions about his ability to continue serving as Delhi’s chief minister. However, with the Supreme Court’s dismissal of the petition seeking his removal, Kejriwal’s position remains unaffected, allowing him to continue his duties as per the mandate of his elected office.

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