The Gwalior constituency is the fighting ground in the Lok Sabha elections of India, where both the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and the Congress wrestle for the majority. It’s the opposition of Bharat Singh Kushwah of BJP vs. the challenger Praveen Pathak from Congress in a Gwalior tight game. On May 7th, polling took place in Gwalior, with 13,39,000 out of 21,54,000 eligible voters casting their votes. The Electronic Voting Machines (EVMs) used in the 1680 polling booths across Gwalior district are securely stored in the Strong Room at MLB College in Gwalior.

A very strict three-level security system is there maintained around the Strong Room; the Presidential administration police is responsible for this. The area around the Strong Room is being monitored by CCTV cameras, which are strategically placed around the room and broadcast the footage on LED screens within the premises. While such a critical security review may seem, Congress has opened its own monitoring team to check out computer units. In the soaring temperature of 43 degrees Celsius, a dozen Congress workers keep watch over the room, leaving every 2-hour shift as they work 24/7. A Congress worker helped the system run smoothly by monitoring the CCTV footage within the strong room as a robust system.

The administration has also made suitable arrangements for Congress workers, ensuring their well-being during their vigil. Congress workers assert that their presence is essential to safeguard democracy. They consider their vigilance as a crucial measure in ensuring the integrity of the electoral process. The dedication and determination of Congress workers reflect their commitment to upholding democratic principles and ensuring free and fair elections.

Summarizing, the Congress showing relentless watchfulness over EVMs during Gwalior’s hectic electoral game is merely display of their loyalty and effort to defend the democracy. Congress workers defend democracy the way they face difficult situations without even fizzling out and remain steadfast in their own mission to guard the purity of the elections.

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