Bhopal: The election mood of the first and second phases in Madhya Pradesh could imply that a lower proportion of the voters has participated in voting. In essence, the Election Commission, together with political parties, involve voters at all stages in the third stage when they campaign for their participation and give this process great value. Indeed, the Gwalior-Chambal area is regarded as a significant focus of such initiatives that entail intensive measures. This has been because, in the previous elections for Lok Sabha, there has been a lower turnout than what is generally seen.

On May 7 comes the third phase of the Lok Sabha elections, taking place in the Walli-Chambal area. On this voting day, the election commission ensures that all rules are in place, including voter turnout. While political parties try to drive voter turnout high, there are also parties that are ferocious in challenging the high turnout rates. It is so because the voters registered for the Lok Saha election 2019 failed to participate in three Lok Sabha Constituencies of Madhya Pradesh.

This statistic from the Election Commission sure makes you think not only the local district election officers in awe but politicians as well. The Chief Electoral Officer of the state, Anupam Rajan, has said that PTs are being taken to generate interest among the public in voting. When a health campaign concentrates on areas which are the northern and the southern parts of the country, the near the urban and the rural places.

Likewise, Kamal Makijani, a member of BJP’s state committee, also assumes that the illiteracy of the masses is also a matter of concern. They do not know their voting rights. A bad situation could arise when voters turn out in relatively low numbers, and an excellent candidate fails to win; consequently, the repercussions of this matter become the burden of the public. These make it pertinent to initiate and conduct campaigns that attract wider numbers of people to cast their votes. 

Meanwhile, Dr. Ram Pande, the spokesperson for the Congress party, also believes that there should be maximum voter turnout. This will reveal which side the public is on. As Congress activists, we appeal to everyone to vote as much as possible so that our democracy can be saved and our constitution can be protected.

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