Arun Govil, who is the BJP’s candidate from Meerut, was the subject of public backlash after constituting a temporary exit to the constituency just one day after the elections on the 26th of April. The actor, in this case, has gained immense fame as the one who portrays Ram in the epic television series Ramayana. instead of giving explanations directly to the media, individuals opted to use social media by sending out posts. He said that his party ordered him to skip the Mumbai-Meerut leg of his journey to focus on other national regions where his campaign/rally will take place.

This explanation arose following inquiries from the UP Congress, with its president Ajay Rai questioning the abrupt absence of Govil from Meerut. Rai insinuated on social media that Govil’s departure the day after polling might suggest a discomfort in engaging with the public, and he quipped, “Only God can save us from such leader-cum-actor.” Rai further criticized what he termed as “parachute politics,” a strategy he accused many BJP leaders of employing, indicating a lack of genuine concern for local constituents.

Countering these accusations, Arun Govil composed an emotional note as a platform intended to be heard by every voter, sister, brother, and worker around Meerut. On 26 March, he was recorded as landing in Meerut, just two days after his candidature announcement, and he expressed his appreciation to the individuals who supported him throughout the campaign in the space of a month. 

Soliciting Meerut’s support, Govil promised that he would be back once these commitments were over. He underlined his followership towards his party, which includes his presence in Mumbai and maybe some other area for the continuation of his campaign.

In his message, Arun Govil sought to dispel any doubts regarding his dedication to the people of Meerut and underscored his intention to address their concerns once he resumes his campaign activities in the region. By offering this reassurance, Govil aimed to mitigate speculations and reaffirm his commitment to serving the constituency effectively.

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