Bihar YouTuber Manish Kashyap, who was arrested for linking videos of Tamil Nadu migrant’s physical assaults to Bihar, was also one of the recent joiners in the BJP. He joined the party on his mother’s advice, he said. Addressing the crowd, Kashyap, who had joined the party in the presence of the MP of Delhi, stated that he had been released from Prison only due to the timely humanitarian efforts of Tiwari. His mother’s subtle message to take on the Narendra Modi party platform was pledged, so he vowed to keep his observance of the purity of those Sanatan principles.

He then went on to say that he would help the BJP to strengthen its base in Bihar, and he also narrated how the RJD family is corrupt. He further added that it is because of their governance that Bihar has previously faced many problems and challenges.

Mr Kashyap is commended by Manoj Tiwari for his efforts to voice issues that directly affect the marginalized members of the society. The BJP is thanked for its stance on the matter of the “underprivileged” advocates.

Kashyap, who started his career in the political sphere during the aftermath of his arrest due to giving the so-called false reports about how Biharis and Tamil labourers were attacked in Tamil Nadu, would describe his experience as having a huge impact on his own life. The arrest of the five Bihari youths ignited the controversy between Tamil Nadu and Bihar, for which Tamil Nadu’s Chief Minister MK Stalin urged not to spread the rumours in Bihar in order to minimize the problems.

Kashyap spent a long time in prison in Madurai, where he was shifted for the act of getting caught in Bihar, and he was finally repatriated to his native place. In December 2023, he regained his freedom, where the withdrawal of the NSA and all charges against him unlocked him, thus being freed for reorganization.

Besides Kashyap’s influence, as a YouTube Influencer with 8.75 million subscribers on the channel ‘Manish Kashyap Son of Bihar’, highlights the strong role social media has in determining public discourse and political issues. Therefore, joining the BJP is a strategic move that embodies the blend of digital activism with traditional politics, landing his ideas more audiences from people who support the party’s cause.

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