On Thursday, the Election Commission (EC) of India asked for a reply from the BJP over the alleged hate speech delivered by Prime Minister Narendra Modi during his public meeting at Banswara, a district in Rajasthan. As per the EC finding, former Congress party leader Rahul Gandhi was also stated to have committed certain violations of MCC. The bitter rivalry of both parties had reached a boiling point as they accused each other of instigating harsh words based on religion, caste, community, or language.

The Election Commission’s notice demands a reply from the BJP by 11 am on April 29th. The Commission’s action underscores its commitment to maintaining the integrity of the electoral process and ensuring adherence to ethical conduct during campaigning.

The allegation of hate speech that PM Modi in Banswara has recently put the country in the heat of controversy where his detractors are holding him accountable for creating communal rifts in society. These examples reflect the intricacy of political speech, particularly with regard to the build-up towards polls, where rhetorical statements become powerful and can have dire consequences for communal harmony.

Moreover, the EC, looking closely into Rahul Gandhi’s actions, proves its part in going everywhere in the mission of scrutinizing the violations of MCC. If it is proven true that Gandhi also committed the same offences, he may be subject to disciplinary action. Making the political parties before the public attentiveness.

Consequently, the EC’s directive, with the deadlines coming right in the next few days, shows the high degree of the required action from the side of the EC regarding these allegations. With a clear deadline in place, the Commission looks to move all disputed issues very fast, and the people can be confidently sure that what was promised has been achieved.

The Slogan exchanges between the BJP and Congress no doubt set the atmosphere for an intense political mood. The close of the election period will determine political parties to practice caution in their speeches and campaigns to ensure that relations are not stirred up and divisions in the society are not worsened.

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