PM Narendra Modi mentioned in a rally in Morena district, Madhya Pradesh, that former Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi had canceled the inheritance tax in order to keep family property within the family as a whole and not to the Government. He alleged Congress will resubmit the tax. Also, this tax is being imposed on citizens.

Modi stated that when former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi passed away, her children were set to inherit her property. Previously, a portion of inherited property was taken by the government. To prevent this, Rajiv Gandhi abolished the inheritance tax, according to Modi. This law was repealed in 1985 during Rajiv Gandhi’s tenure.

Modi charged Congress with being partial to a religion in that it gave in to the demand of the Muslim community in Karnataka and classified all the Muslims in the OBC category, thereby affecting the admissions and jobs of existing OBCs term by equitable opportunity.

He reiterated the government’s message of non-discrimination, pointing at a free ration scheme that provides meals to 80 crore people without looking into their religion. He refused Congress’s point that Muslims are predominant in taking out national resources, and they themselves are the government’s priority to help out.

The other significant achievement that Modi talked about during his speech was the impact of his government in the Chambal region of Madhya Pradesh, which he claimed to have marked in his tour of the city.

Modi fended off Rahul Gandi’s criticism by Genز punchline in Hindi — “gussa mat karo, Congres sadak ke naamdar aur Ham log kaamdar” – during a rally. He alleged that the Congress Party was in breach of law by improperly including Muslims in OBCs in Karnataka. Therein, he stressed the equal policies of government disregarding religious factors.

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