Any season when it is at its peak causes diseases. The scorching heat also troubles people. Exposure to sunlight causes the problem of heatstroke and the condition of the skin becomes worse. Many such diseases and health problems arise during summer. Especially in the scorching heat of May and June, stomach related problems start troubling you. If care is not taken, these problems increase further. Strong sunlight not only affects your health but also causes problems related to hair, skin and eyes. Skin burning, rashes, headache, diarrhea are common diseases in summer, but the risk of many serious diseases also increases.

In extreme heat, body requires more water. In hot weather, one feels very thirsty due to sweating and strong sunlight. In this season, the body also starts getting dehydrated due to heat wave. Due to which the problem of dizziness, weakness and sometimes fainting occurs. To avoid this, it is important to drink adequate amount of water throughout the day. During summer, the problem of stomach upset, vomiting and diarrhea troubles the most. If the food is even slightly spoiled then there is a danger of food poisoning also. Food poisoning occurs due to the production of harmful bacteria in the body. In this season, more bacteria grow in the food which starts disturbing the stomach. Therefore, take special care of your eating habits.

Many types of eye-related infections increase due to heat. In this season, the problem of irritation caused by exposure to strong sunlight, conjunctivitis due to cold and heat, and allergy in the eyes increases. To prevent damage to your eyes in summer, keep splashing cold water into your eyes frequently. Chickenpox is most common but dangerous disease occurring in summer season. In this rashes filled with fluid appear on various parts of the body along with itcheing. It pains allot when the rash bursts. Chickenpox is a contagious disease therefore to avoid this, need to take special care of cleanliness and eating habits.

The risk of typhoid also increases during the peak heat of May and June. It causes high fever and persists for many days. Headache and weakness start coming. The cause of typhoid is also bad food and water. It can be avoided by taking special care of diet. In summer, we get tired quickly due to sunlight and sweat. Even without doing much work you get drenched in sweat and start feeling short of breath. The heat of the sun seems to absorb the energy and feel thirstier than feeling hungry. In such weather, hunger is less and thirst is more. This is the reason why body does not get complete nutrition and we feel exhausted and restless.

According to elders, if proper care of food and drink is taken then, the body becomes immune to fight any weather. Similarly, if you follow the right diet plan in this scorching summer, it can help avoid the symptoms of fatigue, weakness and restlessness. It is said that if you your day with a good breakfast, you get the stamina to work hard the whole day. Morning diet helps in keeping a person healthy and full of energy throughout the day. Therefore, if you take milk and egg in breakfast then it will be the best option to keep you energetic throughout the day. Eggs contain amino acids and a good amount of good fat. On the other hand, milk has high amounts of calcium and protein.

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