Prime Minister Narendra Modi criticized Rahul Gandhi’s recent statement, where Gandhi warned of turmoil if BJP won again. Modi questioned the appropriateness of such language in a democratic context while addressing a rally in Uttarakhand. Gandhi had made the remarks during an Opposition rally at Ramlila Maidan, accusing Modi of manipulating elections and threatening constitutional changes.

Modi condemned Gandhi’s remark, referring to him as the “shahzada” of the Congress Shahi family, highlighting Gandhi’s privileged background. He questioned the credibility of Congress, emphasizing their lack of trustworthiness due to their past actions during the Emergency period. Modi accused Congress of instigating instability and provoking people with divisive rhetoric.

Furthermore, Modi indirectly referenced Karnataka leader DK Suresh’s controversial North-South comment post the Union Budget, where Suresh suggested dividing the country. Modi criticized the Congress for allowing such individuals to represent them despite their divisive remarks. He also mentioned Congress’s alleged insult to Bipin Rawat, underscoring the party’s disregard for respected figures.

Modi’s address aimed to discredit Congress’s credibility and question its commitment to democratic values. He urged the public to reject inflammatory rhetoric and punish those who promote division. Modi emphasized the need for stability and unity, positioning BJP as the party capable of delivering it.

In a broader context, Modi’s remarks reflect the ongoing political tension between BJP and Congress, with both parties vying for public support ahead of elections. By highlighting Gandhi’s statement and other controversial remarks made by Congress members, Modi seeks to portray BJP as the more responsible and trustworthy choice for governance.

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