Bijapur: In a recent incident, police have arrested a suspect involved in the firing on a DRG (District Reserve Guard) soldier by infiltrating a police residential colony. The arrest came five days after the attack, and the suspect is believed to be part of an urban network aiding the Naxalites. The arrest was made behind the Atal Residential Colony, adjacent to the Balak Girls’ Hostel.

The arrested suspect was involved in urban network activities for the Naxalites. Following a thorough investigation into the shooting incident involving DRG soldier Deepak Durgam, the police were able to track down the suspect. During interrogation, the suspect revealed that his sister was associated with the Naxalite organization. At her behest, he was residing in the boys’ hostel and was tasked with monitoring the movements of DRG soldiers.

On March 24, the suspect had informed the Naxalite organization’s small action team about the soldier’s presence at his home. Subsequently, the Naxalites’ small action team infiltrated the Atal Residential Colony and fired upon DRG soldier Deepak Durgam. Fortunately, the bullet struck the soldier’s back, and he survived after receiving prompt medical treatment. The arrest of the suspect has led to a significant crackdown on the urban network supporting the Naxalites.

Currently, the police are continuing their interrogation of the arrested suspect to gather more information. This incident highlights the challenges faced by security forces in dealing with Naxalite threats and the importance of dismantling their support networks in urban areas.

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