The Delhi High Court is set to address Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal’s challenge against his arrest and remand by the Enforcement Directorate in the excise policy case on Wednesday. Justice Swarana Kanta Sharma’s bench will oversee the proceedings. Kejriwal remains in ED custody until March 28, apprehended by the central agency concerning the Delhi excise policy case. Despite his detention, the Aam Aadmi Party leader continues administering the government, affirming his commitment to public welfare. Recently, according to City Health Minister Saurabh Bharadwaj, he directed authorities to ensure the availability of medicines and tests at all government healthcare facilities and Mohalla Clinics.

Minister Bharadwaj emphasized Kejriwal’s ongoing dedication to the people’s welfare despite his confinement, reflecting the leader’s unwavering commitment. The case centers on alleged irregularities and money laundering related to the formulation and execution of the Delhi excise policy 2022, which was subsequently annulled.

Kejriwal is the third AAP figure, following Manish Sisodia and Sanjay Singh, to face arrest in the excise policy affair. Sisodia, the former Delhi deputy chief minister who oversaw 18 out of 33 portfolios, was taken into custody by the CBI on February 26 of the previous year after extensive questioning. Subsequently, he faced ED detention in a money laundering probe. Similarly, on October 5, the ED arrested Sanjay Singh, a Rajya Sabha MP.

The developments surrounding Kejriwal’s case underscore the ongoing legal battles and political turbulence within the AAP. As the legal proceedings unfold, the case continues to draw attention, highlighting the intricate intersection of governance, law enforcement, and political dynamics in Delhi’s administrative landscape.

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