Gwalior: The Gwalior Bench of the Madhya Pradesh High Court has issued a unique order in a fraud case involving the accused seeking bail. Following a hearing, the court granted conditional bail to the accused, directing them to plant 10-10 saplings and maintain them in exchange for bail.

The case arose from a complaint filed by a local businessman, Gopal Gupta, alleging fraud by Navin Gupta, Arun, Gajendra, and two others. They allegedly deceived him by promising a dealership for Bajaj Appliances in Gwalior and extorted a large sum of money. Upon the businessman’s complaint, the police arrested the accused. The bail plea was presented in the Gwalior Bench of the High Court, where the court granted bail after the hearing.

However, the bail came with conditions. In addition to posting a bail bond of ₹50,000 each, the accused Arun and Gajendra were instructed to plant 10-10 fruit-bearing or neem saplings on Sirauli Hill. They were also responsible for maintaining the plants. The court further mandated that within 30 days of their release, the accused must present photographic evidence of the plantation before the court. Any negligence in maintaining the plants would affect their bail status.

Notably, Gwalior’s environment is significantly polluted, making tree plantation initiatives crucial. The court’s decision not only promotes environmental conservation but also serves as a rehabilitation effort for the accused. This innovative approach reflects the judiciary’s commitment to holistic justice, aiming not only to punish but also to reform offenders.

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