The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) has accused the Enforcement Directorate (ED) of being a political arm of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and dismissed its allegations against Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal as baseless and malicious. In response, the BJP criticized Kejriwal as a “corrupt and greedy thug.”

According to the ED, BRS leader K Kavitha, and others conspired with top AAP leaders, including Kejriwal and Manish Sisodia, to obtain favors in the now-defunct Delhi excise policy by paying ₹100 crore to the ruling political party in Delhi.

K Kavitha, arrested by the ED last week in Hyderabad, was accused of conspiring with AAP leaders. The AAP denounced the ED’s investigation as biased.

The Enforcement Directorate stated that K Kavitha and others conspired with AAP leaders for favors in the Delhi excise policy. They allegedly paid ₹100 crore to AAP leaders for these favors. The ED also claimed that this corruption generated illegal funds through kickbacks from wholesalers for the AAP.

Additionally, K Kavitha and her associates were purportedly involved in recovering the proceeds of the crime paid in advance to the AAP and further generating profits from this conspiracy.

The AAP rejected the ED’s accusations, citing the Supreme Court’s dismissal of any credibility in the claim. They criticized the ED for what they perceived as politically motivated actions aligned with the BJP’s agenda. Delhi Minister Atishi accused the ED of spreading false stories and lacking evidence against Kejriwal.

The AAP characterized the ED’s investigation as a desperate attempt to tarnish the reputations of Kejriwal and Sisodia. They claimed that the ED’s actions aimed to hinder Kejriwal’s participation in the Lok Sabha polls.

In summary, the ongoing dispute between the AAP and the ED underscores the political tensions surrounding corruption allegations and the potential impact on electoral dynamics.

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