Former President Donald Trump, victorious in 12 of 15 Super Tuesday contests, sharply criticized President Joe Biden, labeling him the “worst president” in U.S. history. Trump targeted Biden’s open-border policies, accusing the administration of allowing over 10 million illegal immigrants to enter 43 U.S. cities since 2021.

A recent report unveiled a startling revelation, alleging that Biden covertly flew 320,000 migrants into the country. The program, operated through the CBP One cellphone scheduling app, has been discreetly importing individuals without legal entry rights since late 2022. The report’s author, Todd Bensman, shed light on the secretive nature of the parole programs, allowing aliens to seek travel authorization and temporary humanitarian release, contributing to the influx of migrants.

Under these legally questionable parole initiatives, migrants unable to enter the U.S. legally use the CBP One app to secure travel authorization and temporary humanitarian release from designated airports. This parole program grants two-year periods of legal status, during which adults become eligible for work authorization.

Speaking at Mar-a-Lago’s opulent ballroom, Trump passionately criticized the Biden administration’s handling of illegal immigration, particularly the reported airlifting of migrants over border barriers into the country. Trump expressed disbelief and lamented the lack of action by governors in states like Texas and Arizona.

In a fiery statement, Trump remarked, “Today was announced that 320,000 people were flown in from parts unknown – migrants – by airplane, not going through borders, both going through the great Texas barrier… Arizona, and those governors aren’t doing anything, doing nothing.”

Highlighting the divisive nature of the country, Trump blamed Biden for weaponizing politics against opponents. He drew attention to the unusual circumstance of facing four criminal cases, likening it to occurrences in third-world countries. Trump’s strong condemnation underscored his concerns about the impact of Biden’s policies on national unity and security.

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