Raipur: The first list of BJP candidates for the upcoming Lok Sabha elections may be released soon, as indicated by Deputy CM Arun Sao upon his return to Delhi after attending the meeting of the BJP Central Election Committee. After returning from his Delhi visit, Deputy CM Arun Sao, accompanied by Chief Minister Vishnudeo Sai, Deputy Chief Minister Vijay Sharma, and BJP State President Kiran Singhdev, addressed the media. He stated that the names discussed in the meeting of the State Election Committee were consolidated.

During the meeting, State President Singhdev revealed that a panel of candidates for each Lok Sabha constituency was formulated, and it was presented during the meeting of the Central Election Committee. With the elections drawing near, the decisions of the parliamentary board leaders will lead to the prompt release of the candidate list.

Meanwhile, addressing the media after the Central Election Committee meeting, Deputy Chief Minister Arun Sao mentioned that the list of candidates could be released at any time. He emphasized that deserving and winning candidates would be given an opportunity. BJP is poised to make a strong claim on all 11 seats in Chhattisgarh.

The return of the Deputy Chief Minister and the State President, along with the Chief Minister, from their Delhi visit marks a crucial development as the party gears up for the upcoming elections. The meeting of the State Election Committee has laid the groundwork for the finalization of candidates, and the subsequent Central Election Committee meeting has set the stage for the imminent release of the candidate list.

As the political landscape heats up in Chhattisgarh, the BJP is strategically positioning itself for the electoral battle, aiming to secure all 11 seats in the state. The careful selection of candidates, as discussed in the State Election Committee meeting, reflects the party’s commitment to fielding strong contenders. With the elections on the horizon, the BJP is gearing up for an intense campaign, and the release of the candidate list is anticipated to be a significant milestone in the party’s election strategy.

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