In a significant development regarding the security lapse during the meeting with Chhattisgarh Chief Minister Vishnu Dev Sai, DGP Ashok Juneja has made a substantial statement. He revealed that the security intelligence is actively investigating the incident, and some individuals have been suspended. The probe into the matter is ongoing, and further actions may be taken. Juneja emphasized the need to prevent such incidents in the future, and the security intelligence will closely monitor the situation.

It is noteworthy that on February 25, an individual carrying a pistol managed to enter the CM’s residence while attempting to meet him. The intruder was intercepted outside the CM’s chamber, and the licensed pistol in his possession was confiscated. The person had arrived in a VIP vehicle, which reportedly led to the lack of security checks.

In response to the security lapse during the CM’s visit, the Intelligence ADG has suspended three security personnel, and additional security officers might face disciplinary measures. Orders for a comprehensive investigation into the matter have been issued, reflecting the seriousness with which authorities are treating the incident.

The incident underscores the importance of stringent security protocols, especially during interactions involving high-profile figures such as the Chief Minister. The breach has prompted a reevaluation of security measures to prevent similar occurrences in the future. Authorities are keen on implementing corrective actions to enhance the overall security apparatus.

As the investigation progresses, the focus remains on understanding the circumstances that led to the breach and ensuring that appropriate measures are in place to safeguard VIP residences and events. The incident has raised concerns about the vulnerability of security arrangements and highlights the imperative for continuous evaluation and improvement in security protocols to counter potential threats effectively.

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