The film “Crakk-Jeetega Toh Jiyegaa” generated considerable buzz and anticipation when its initial teaser was unveiled, and the subsequent release of its trailer successfully set the tone for what was expected to be a cinematic spectacle. However, the much-anticipated movie has, unfortunately, failed to live up to the high expectations, drawing mixed to negative responses from fans and critics alike.

Despite the initial excitement, the film’s reception took a downturn, with reviews and audience reactions contributing to the overall disappointment surrounding “Crakk.” The downward trajectory is further reflected in the box office numbers, indicating a significant decline in collections. The weekend performance, especially on Sunday, proved to be particularly lacklustre, as the movie managed to accumulate a mere 2.3 crore on its first Sunday.

For a film of this scale and ambition, the Sunday collection of 2.3 crores is disheartening, signalling a potential struggle at the box office in the coming days. The overall national collection of “Crakk” stands at a modest 8.8 crore, highlighting the film’s challenges in resonating with the domestic audience. Interestingly, the international box office has fared slightly better, with a collection of 9.25 crore, offering a silver lining amidst the otherwise gloomy performance on the home front.

The underwhelming response to “Crakk-Jeetega Toh Jiyegaa” raises questions about the factors contributing to its lacklustre performance. Whether it is attributed to the storyline, performances, or other cinematic elements, it is evident that the movie has yet to strike a chord with the viewers as anticipated. As the weeks unfold, it remains to be seen whether the film can recover from its shaky start and garner the attention it initially promised or if it will continue its downward trajectory in the fiercely competitive world of cinema.