Protesters from multiple states have reignited the ‘Delhi Chalo’ march, resuming their protest on Wednesday. The national capital is under tight security to thwart any potential disruptions during the demonstration. Earlier, leaders from Punjab and Haryana had temporarily halted the protest after the fourth round of talks with Union Ministers on Sunday. However, they had issued a warning that the march to Delhi would resume if the Centre failed to meet their demands by February 21.

The agitation escalated on Monday when farmer leaders rejected the government’s proposal to procure pulses, maize, and cotton at Minimum Support Price (MSP) for five years through government agencies. They deemed the proposal against farmers’ interests and declared their intent to march towards Delhi on Wednesday.

As the farmers gear up for continued protests, the government estimates that around 14,000 individuals, accompanied by 1,200 tractor-trolleys, 300 cars, 10 mini-buses, and various small vehicles, have amassed along the Punjab-Haryana border as part of the ongoing demonstration. The Centre criticized the Punjab government for permitting this gathering, expressing concerns about potential law and order issues in the state. Farmer leaders from Haryana, Punjab, and Uttar Pradesh are united in their demand for a legal guarantee for MSP.

Despite four rounds of talks, there has been no consensus between the farmers and the central government. Following the fourth round of discussions, the farmers agreed to suspend their protest until February 21, with a condition that the march would resume if their demands were not addressed.

Authorities have erected barricades to maintain a distance of approximately 200 km (125 miles) between the protesters and New Delhi for over a week. However, police reported the presence of heavy machinery at Wednesday’s gathering, indicating a potential intention to damage these barriers.

A formidable crowd of 14,000 people at the Delhi-Haryana and Haryana-Punjab borders, supported by numerous vehicles, underscores the strength and determination of the farmers in pressing for their demands. The situation remains tense as both sides stand firm on their positions, with the specter of resumed protests looming large.

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