Congress is gearing up for the 2024 Lok Sabha elections, intensifying preparations with strategic appointments. In this line, the party has appointed committee heads for the war room, including the chief and members. As per the orders issued by the Chhattisgarh Pradesh Congress Committee, Malkit Singh Gaidu has been assigned the responsibility of organizational communication. Meanwhile, Sushil Anand Shukla has been entrusted with the duties of media and communication.

According to the directives from the Chhattisgarh Pradesh Congress Committee, Malkit Singh Gaidu, an experienced leader, has been entrusted with the crucial role of overseeing organizational communication. The responsibility entails coordinating and strategizing communication efforts to strengthen the party’s outreach. In a simultaneous move, Jayvardhan Bissa has been handed the charge of social media and the call center, recognizing the significance of these platforms in contemporary political campaigns. Deepak Mishra has been designated for the role, ensuring effective engagement and responsiveness on social media channels and call centers.

Expanding the spectrum of responsibilities, Deva Devangan has been assigned the task of legal affairs, emphasizing the importance of legal compliance and strategic decision-making in the political landscape. Similarly, booth management, a crucial aspect of electioneering, will be overseen by Rajat Jasuja, who has been bestowed with the responsibility of booth manager.

The intricate details of the war room operations will be managed by Salam Rizvi and Lokesh Sahu, who have been appointed as the chief and deputy chief of the war room desk, respectively. It is noteworthy that a total of 11 members have been appointed to handle various responsibilities within the war room desk, ensuring a comprehensive and well-coordinated approach in the run-up to the Lok Sabha elections in 2024.

These strategic appointments underscore the Congress party’s commitment to a well-organized and multifaceted approach in its preparations for the upcoming elections, covering communication, social media, legal aspects, and ground-level booth management. The individuals selected for these roles bring diverse skills and experiences, reflecting the party’s emphasis on a comprehensive and strategic election campaign for 2024.

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