Siddharth Anand’s recent Bollywood release, “Fighter,” showcased resilience on its 12th day, garnering ₹3.35 crore domestically. Following a robust weekend surge in ticket sales, the film’s initial week concluded with an impressive ₹146.5 crore in India. Featuring Hrithik Roshan, Deepika Padukone, and Anil Kapoor, the movie exhibited fluctuating figures after its strong opening of ₹22.5 crore on Republic Day eve. The first Friday witnessed a remarkable 75.56% leap, accumulating ₹39.5 crore.

However, the movie experienced a downturn on the subsequent Saturday, amassing ₹27.5 crore. Despite a modest recovery with ₹29 crore the following day, Fighter encountered substantial drops from that point onward. The first Monday witnessed a 72.41% decline, securing ₹8 crore. Subsequent days saw dwindling numbers, with earnings of ₹7.5 crore, ₹6.5 crore, and ₹6 crore, respectively. Following a modest ₹5.75 crore on the second Friday, Fighter experienced a notable upswing.

On the second Saturday, collections surged by 82.61%, reaching ₹10.5 crore. Sunday witnessed a further 19.05% increase, accumulating ₹12.5 crore. The film has garnered ₹178.60 crore net domestically, with a gross domestic collection of ₹210.3 crore.

Adding to its global appeal, overseas collections stand at ₹85 crore, contributing to Fighter’s impressive worldwide box office tally of ₹295.3 crore. The movie’s success is marked by its stellar cast and ability to rebound after initial fluctuations, establishing itself as a noteworthy contender in the cinematic landscape.