Bollywood icon Amitabh Bachchan has reportedly acquired a plot in Ayodhya’s exclusive Sarayu enclave, near the upcoming Ram temple. Developed by Mumbai-based The House of Abhinandan Lodha, the undisclosed 10,000 sqft plot is estimated at Rs 14.5 crore. The Sarayu, spanning 51 acres, will be inaugurated on January 22, coinciding with the Ram Janmabhoomi Temple ceremony. About 15 minutes from the temple and 30 minutes from the airport, the project is set for completion by March 2028, featuring a five-star palace hotel.

Expressing anticipation for this venture with The House of Abhinandan Lodha, Bachchan spoke of Ayodhya’s special place in his heart. He emphasized the city’s spiritual and cultural richness, stating, “This is a start of a heartfelt journey into the soul of Ayodhya, where tradition and modernity seamlessly co-exist, creating an emotional tapestry that resonates with me deeply. I am looking forward to building my home in the global spiritual capital.”

Amitabh Bachchan’s connection to Ayodhya extends beyond this investment, as his birthplace, Prayagraj, is a four-hour drive away. Abhinandan Lodha, chairman of HoABL, referred to Bachchan as the “first citizen” of The Sarayu, asserting that the investment elevates the project to a “symbol of Ayodhya’s global spiritual significance.” Lodha expressed confidence in Ayodhya’s economic potential and appreciation for its spiritual heritage, noting that Bachchan’s involvement underscores the city’s significance.

The Sarayu enclave aims to blend tradition and modernity seamlessly, aligning with Bachchan’s vision for his home in Ayodhya. The project signifies a unique amalgamation of cultural richness, spirituality, and modern luxury, making it a distinctive landmark in Ayodhya. As Bachchan embarks on this venture, it symbolizes a harmonious convergence of his personal sentiments with the cultural and spiritual ethos of Ayodhya.

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