Shah Rukh Khan’s film “Dunki” has achieved an impressive three-week run at the box office, reporting a collection of Rs 55 lakh on its 23rd day, as per Sacnilk. The movie, marking the first-time pairing of ‘King Khan’ with Taapsee Pannu, has now grossed ₹222.42 crore domestically. “Dunki” delves into the theme of illegal migration in pursuit of a better future. Globally acclaimed, the film has garnered appreciation worldwide and, according to Red Chillies Entertainment’s Instagram, has amassed ₹454.90 crore globally. The caption reads, “This love from every corner of the world makes us truly grateful! Book your tickets right away! Watch #Dunki – In Cinemas Now!”

Taapsee Pannu, portraying Manu Randhawa in “Dunki,” shared her experience of working with Shah Rukh Khan in a Pinkvilla interview. She expressed how being paired with Khan was a dream she didn’t dare include on her list, considering it too good to be true. Taapsee emphasized the two-year learning experience, not only in front of the camera but also beyond it. Shah Rukh Khan shared insights into his 35 years in the industry, providing valuable lessons about the craft.

Released on December 21, “Dunki” features a stellar cast including Shah Rukh Khan, Taapsee Pannu, Vicky Kaushal, and Boman Irani. Produced by Red Chillies Entertainment, Jio Studios, and Rajkumar Hirani Films, the film has not only resonated domestically but also made a significant impact on the global stage.

The film’s success signifies not just its box office triumph but also the positive reception from audiences worldwide. As it continues to attract viewers, “Dunki” stands as a testament to the collaborative efforts of the cast and crew, offering a compelling narrative that resonates with diverse audiences. With its strong box office performance and critical acclaim, “Dunki” further solidifies its place as a noteworthy addition to Bollywood cinema.

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