Shah Rukh Khan’s third Bollywood film of 2023, “Dunki,” remains lucrative into its third Friday. On Day 16, the Rajkumar Hirani-directed movie is estimated to net ₹2.20 crore in India. Following its December 21 release with ₹29.2 crore net, the film experienced a dip on the first Friday with ₹20.12 crore. Despite fluctuations, it garnered ₹160.22 crore in the first week. By the second week, it earned ₹46.25 crore, reaching a total net of ₹208.67 crore in India. The gross India collection, including overseas earnings of ₹164 crore, totals ₹411.75 crore, per industry tracker. Red Chillies claims ₹422.90 crore worldwide.

“Dunki,” addressing illegal immigration, faced competition with Prabhas’ “Salaar: Cease Fire – Part 1” released on December 22. Unlike “Salaar,” which had a pan-India release in Telugu, Tamil, and Hindi, “Dunki” was released only in Hindi.

Director Prashanth Neel, known for KGF, delivered an action-packed movie. Despite the competition, “Dunki” has achieved considerable success, maintaining its box office prowess. The film’s overseas collection, coupled with its performance in India, reinforces its impact on the global stage.

SRK’s movie had a remarkable start but encountered challenges in sustaining high earnings, particularly facing competition from other releases. Despite the intense battle at the box office, “Dunki” stands as a significant contributor to Shah Rukh Khan’s cinematic journey in 2023.

While industry trackers provide a comprehensive view, Red Chillies Entertainment reports slightly higher global earnings, highlighting the film’s potential to surpass initial estimates. The continued success of “Dunki” underscores its enduring appeal and financial triumph in the dynamic landscape of the Bollywood film industry.

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