Bilaspur: After the High Court’s directives regarding traffic, comprehensive checking has commenced across all police stations in Bilaspur. The police, conducting surprise checks at key locations in the city, have taken stringent actions against 234 vehicles. During the checks, violations such as drink and drive, overloading, vehicles without proper numbers or with incorrectly written number plates, excessive horn use, suspicious vehicles, seat belt non-compliance, dark films, and doubtful cases were thoroughly examined.

The police, implementing traffic rules rigorously, imposed fines totaling ₹77,000 on drivers violating regulations. The enforcement spanned rural areas from 6 PM to 9 PM and urban areas from 8:30 PM to 10:30 PM. The surprise vehicle checking campaign aimed to ensure adherence to traffic regulations and enhance road safety.

The intensified checking not only focused on common traffic violations but also delved into issues like unauthorized modifications, suspicious accessories, and other potential risks. The initiative aimed to create awareness about responsible driving and discourage reckless behavior on the roads.

Moreover, the police emphasized the importance of road safety measures such as wearing seat belts and avoiding the use of dark films on vehicle windows. The campaign served as a reminder to drivers to adhere to traffic rules for their safety and the well-being of others on the road.

By conducting surprise checks at different times, the police aimed to catch offenders unaware and ensure a more comprehensive assessment of the traffic scenario. The campaign’s strategic timing considered both peak traffic hours and quieter periods, ensuring a well-rounded approach to enforcing traffic rules.

Overall, Bilaspur Police’s proactive approach, in alignment with High Court directives, reflects a commitment to maintaining order on the roads and safeguarding the lives of citizens through stringent traffic enforcement measures. This has also made people aware of the Road safety.

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