Renowned cricketer Mahendra Singh Dhoni has taken legal action by filing a criminal case in Ranchi against two officials of Aarka Sports Management, Mihir Diwakar and Soumya Vishwash, regarding a contentious 2017 cricket academy deal.

The case revolves around allegations that Mihir Diwakar, one of the accused officials, purportedly entered into an agreement with Dhoni in 2017 to establish and operate a cricket academy globally. However, it is claimed that the terms outlined in the agreement were not adhered to by Diwakar. Aarka Sports Management was obligated to pay a franchise fee and share profits in accordance with the terms stipulated in the agreement, and it is alleged that these commitments were not fulfilled.

Despite Dhoni’s repeated reminders, the agreed-upon terms and conditions were allegedly flouted by Aarka Sports Management. This prompted Dhoni to take decisive action, leading to the revocation of the authority letter granted to the firm on August 15th, 2021. Additionally, Dhoni pursued legal recourse by sending multiple notices to address the situation, but these attempts seemingly yielded no resolution.

Dayanand Singh, representing Dhoni through Vidhi Associates, asserted that they had been deceived and cheated by Aarka Sports Management, resulting in a substantial loss exceeding Rs 15 crore. The legal action underscores the cricketer’s commitment to seeking justice and holding accountable those responsible for the purported breach of the agreement.

The case brings attention to the complexities and challenges that can arise in sports management deals, emphasizing the importance of transparency, adherence to contractual obligations, and the need for legal recourse when agreements are not honored. As the legal proceedings unfold, how the case will impact the landscape of sports management contracts and partnerships in the future remains to be seen.

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