New Delhi: Delhi ministers Atishi and Saurabh Bharadwaj raised alarm late on Wednesday night claiming they had information that ED would raid Kejriwal’s residence on Thursday morning and then Delhi chief minister Arvind Kejriwal is likely to be arrested. “News coming in that ED is going to raid @ArvindKejriwal’s residence tmrw morning. Arrest likely,” Atishi tweeted at 11.50pm on Wednesday. Two minutes later, Delhi minister Saurabh Bharadwaj posted the same thing in Hindi, “Got to know ED will be reaching Delhi chief minister Arvind Kejriwal’s house tomorrow morning and is likely to arrest him.”

After Atishi’s post, Delhi Health Minister Saurabh Bharadwaj also took to X, claiming speculations about Kejriwal’s arrest by the ED.

“It is heard that tomorrow morning, ED is going to reach the house of Chief Minister Kejriwal and arrest him,” Bharadwaj said.

These claims by the AAP ministers came a day after Kejriwal skipped the 3rd summons for questioning in the Delhi excise case on Wednesday. Yesterday, AAP stated that Arvind Kejriwal is willing to cooperate with the ED, but they have argued that the intent behind the summons is to facilitate his arrest.

Before this, ED had issued summons on November 2 and December 21 however, Kerjirwal refused to appear before the federal agency on both occasions.

In the second summons, Kejriwal reportedly went on a 10-day ‘Vipassana’ meditation course at an undisclosed location and returned on December 30 while he skipped the first summons on November 2 alleging that the notice was “illegal” and “politically motivated”.

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