Shah Rukh Khan’s “Dunki” has surpassed the ₹200 crore mark in India, featuring an ensemble cast including Taapsee Pannu and Vicky Kaushal. Directed by Rajkumar Hirani, the Bollywood film achieved this milestone in just 13 days. Notably, Hirani’s previous release, “Sanju,” grossed ₹588.50 crore, starring Ranbir Kapoor. “Dunki” kicked off with an impressive ₹29.2 crore on the first day, followed by a dip on the second day at ₹20.12 crore. Weekend collections surged with ₹25.61 crore on Saturday and ₹30.7 crore on Sunday.

Post the vibrant weekend, “Dunki” experienced a weekday slowdown, yet Monday’s ₹24.32 crore surpassed Friday’s numbers. This trend, known as the “Monday test,” challenges Bollywood films, often witnessing a significant drop post-weekend. Tuesday’s earnings stood at ₹11.56 crore, followed by ₹10.5 crore on Wednesday and ₹8.21 crore on Thursday, culminating in a solid ₹160.22 crore net in the first week.

The second week commenced on a softer note with ₹7 crore on Friday, but the weekend revitalized “Dunki” with steady numbers on Saturday (₹9 crore) and Sunday (₹11.5 crore). The film faced a decline on the second Monday at ₹9.05 crore. Early estimates for Day 13 (Tuesday) suggest ₹3.85 crore, marking its lowest numbers thus far.

According to Red Chillies Entertainment, Shah Rukh Khan’s third release of 2023 has grossed ₹400.40 crore worldwide, while some sources, like Sacnilk, report ₹390 crore globally. The Indian gross stands at ₹235.75 crore, with overseas collections reaching ₹154.25 crore, as per industry trackers. “Dunki” continues to make waves, navigating its box office journey with a notable global impact.