After a stable performance at the box office, Shah Rukh Khan’s “Dunki” entered single-digit territory on its eighth day since the December 21 release, recording Rs 9 crore in India. Although this marks the film’s lowest single-day earnings, an uptick is anticipated over the weekend. Despite a solid opening of nearly Rs 30 crore, “Dunki” faced unfavorable comparisons to Shah Rukh’s previous blockbusters, “Pathaan” (Rs 57 crore) and “Jawan” (Rs 75 crore) on day one.

Director Rajkumar Hirani’s film has accumulated Rs 161 crore nett in India, and a smooth journey beyond the Rs 200 crore milestone is expected during its second weekend. Despite a relatively smaller opening, “Dunki” has been resonating with international audiences, surpassing the Rs 300 crore global mark, with a worldwide collection of Rs 305 crore gross. The film is poised to comfortably exceed Rs 350 crore by Sunday.

On Thursday, “Dunki” reported an overall occupancy of 14.36 percent. In Mumbai, with 647 shows, it achieved an 18.50 percent occupancy, while in the Delhi-NCR region, it had around 875 shows with a 12.50 percent occupancy. The film faces competition from Prabhas’ “Salaar,” which recently crossed the Rs 500 crore mark globally, including around Rs 100 crore in the Hindi market alone.

Despite its recent dip in performance, “Dunki” remains a significant player at the box office, and its global appeal, coupled with the weekend surge, positions it well to continue its successful run. The film’s performance is closely watched as it navigates the competitive landscape, maintaining interest not only domestically but also internationally, affirming Shah Rukh Khan’s enduring draw at the global box office.

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