Prabhas appears set for a highly anticipated comeback with Salaar, the action-thriller directed by Prashanth Neel. Going head-to-head with Shah Rukh Khan’s Dunki at the box office, Salaar is surpassing expectations. While Dunki opened to around Rs 30 crore on its debut day, Salaar has already garnered an impressive advance sales figure of nearly Rs 50 crore for its first day. The Telugu version leads with approximately Rs 38 crore in advance sales, followed by the Hindi version at Rs 5.6 crore, and the Malayalam version at Rs 2.2 crore. The Tamil and Kannada versions recorded advance sales of Rs 1.8 crore and Rs 56 lakh, respectively.

Prabhas, despite a string of box office disappointments with Saaho, Radhe Shyam, and Adipurush, showcases his enduring box office appeal. Salaar’s success in advance sales positions Prabhas as a formidable force, even after the back-to-back triumphs of the Baahubali movies. His upcoming venture, the dystopian thriller Kalki 2898 AD, featuring Deepika Padukone, Amitabh Bachchan, and Kamal Haasan, further adds to the anticipation surrounding his career.

In contrast, Shah Rukh Khan’s Dunki faces the challenge of lukewarm reviews and modest box office returns. Registering Shah Rukh’s lowest opening of the year, trailing behind Jawan and Pathaan, Dunki falls short even when compared to director Rajkumar Hirani’s Sanju. 

As it contends with these hurdles, the film must overcome underwhelming initial responses to make a lasting impact. The coming weeks will reveal whether Salaar sustains its impressive start, solidifying Prabhas’ resurgence, or if Dunki manages to navigate its challenges and leave a lasting mark in the cinematic landscape.

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