Delhis Chief Minister, Arvind Kejriwal, will soon embark on a 10-day Vipassana meditation retreat starting on December 19. He has made it a yearly tradition to undertake this course. However, in the last two years, he couldn’t attend due to the COVID-19. In 2021, Kejriwal chose a wellness center in Jaipur for his Vipassana practice. Refrained from participating in any events or meeting with Aam Aadmi Party leaders during that period.

Vipassana is a meditation technique that focuses on introspection and self-awareness. During these sessions, the Chief Minister avoids engaging in activities. Prefers not to interact with party leaders or officials. Over the years, Kejriwal has participated in Vipassana sessions at locations such as Dharmakot, Nagpur and Bengaluru.

Vipassana is known for its ability to help individuals see things as they truly are and serves as a method, for self purification and self realization.

Buddha introduced this technique than two thousand years ago as a way to gain insights, into the nature of the mind and self. In the Vipassana context, a ten-day course is conducted that includes silence, mental discipline and a structured meditation schedule. During this course, participants concentrate on observing sensations, developing mindfulness and gaining an understanding of the relationship between the mind and body.

Kejriwal’s commitment to Vipassana reflects a personal dedication to spiritual well-being and inner peace, transcending the demands of political life. This annual practice exemplifies the Chief Minister’s pursuit of balance and self-awareness amid the challenges of governance.

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