Raipur: On the 22nd anniversary of the terrorist attack on Parliament, a significant breach in security occurred once again, sending shockwaves across the nation. During the incident, Raipur MP Sunil Soni was present in the Lok Sabha. He shared the alarming scene when two young men leaped from the gallery, throwing the entire assembly into chaos. Sunil Soni revealed that the event took place around 1 PM while he was at his desk. With only three minutes left for the session to conclude, two youths suddenly jumped down from the gallery. After their leap, one of the young men executed a daring move, opening his shoe and producing something, resulting in a cloud of smoke and commotion.

The second youth followed suit, creating a similar spectacle that filled the chamber with red and yellow smoke. Subsequently, the MPs surrounded and apprehended the intruders. The Speaker of the Lok Sabha has ordered an investigation into the incident. It is reported that two individuals were inside, while two others were outside orchestrating the act. The same act was replicated outside. Following this event, the session continued from 2 PM to 4 PM, after which the Speaker adjourned the proceedings until the next day.

Responding to concerns about security lapses, MP Soni assured that the Speaker had ordered an inquiry. He clarified that it was only smoke and not poisonous gas, emphasizing that a preliminary investigation had been conducted. The motives of the intruders and why they chose to disrupt the proceedings remain subjects for further investigation. The incident has once again raised questions about the vulnerability of parliamentary security, prompting a thorough examination of the circumstances surrounding the breach.

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