Ludhiana: Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann and AAP convenor Arvind Kejriwal will launch the ‘Bhagwant Maan Sarkar Tuhade Dwar’ scheme in Ludhiana on Sunday. Chief Minister Mann is going to start this scheme from Ludhiana today. Where you supremo Kejriwal will be the chief guest. Chief spokesperson of Aam Aadmi Party Punjab, Malvinder Singh Kang said that after the implementation of this scheme, almost all the paperwork required for the common people will be completed sitting at home. Under this, people will get 43 civic services at their doorstep.

Almost all government services except Arms License, Aadhar Card and Stamp Paper will come under the purview of this scheme. Under this, birth, marriage, death, income, residence, caste, rural area, border area, backward area, pension, electricity bill payment, land demarcation certificate and other civic facilities will be available sitting at home. For this, a helpline number 1076 has been issued by the government, by calling which people will be able to schedule an appointment as per their convenience and get their work done. After the time and date are decided, people will be informed about the required documents, fees and other things.

For this, people will also receive an SMS with the list of required documents and the date/time of the appointment. To accomplish this task, specially trained staff will visit their homes/offices at scheduled times with tablets and complete the necessary paperwork, collect fees and give receipts, with which citizens can track their applications. Soft copy of their certificates will be sent to the mobile phone and hard copy of the documents will be delivered at home.

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