On Saturday, ISRO announced the commencement of operations for the Aditya Solar Wind Particle Experiment (ASPEX) payload aboard India’s solar satellite Aditya-L1. The Solar Wind Ion Spectrometer (SWIS), the second instrument within ASPEX, is now operational, following the earlier activation of the SupraThermal and Energetic Particle Spectrometer (STEPS) on September 10. ISRO shared this update on X, highlighting that SWIS, with two sensor units offering a 360-degree field of view each, measures solar wind ions, primarily protons and alpha particles.

Activated on November 2, 2023, SWIS plays a vital role in understanding solar wind behavior. ISRO presented a graph showcasing energy variations in proton (H+) and alpha particle (He2) counts captured by SWIS over the past two days. These variations, recorded with nominal integration time, provide valuable insights into solar wind characteristics.

ISRO emphasized SWIS’s directional capabilities, enabling precise measurements of solar wind alphas and protons. This capability is crucial for addressing longstanding questions about solar wind features, underlying processes, and their impacts on Earth. The comprehensive snapshot of solar wind behavior offered by SWIS enhances scientific understanding and contributes to advancing space research.

The successful operations of ASPEX’s instruments mark significant progress in India’s space exploration endeavors. With Aditya-L1 dedicated to studying the Sun and its impact on the solar system, ISRO continues to contribute valuable data to the global scientific community. The activation of SWIS adds a new dimension to solar research, allowing researchers to delve deeper into the dynamics of solar wind, paving the way for further discoveries and advancements in space science.

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