Salman Khan’s Tiger 3 achieves the Rs 250 crore milestone domestically, accumulating Rs 4.7 crore on its twelfth day, marking his best performance since 2017’s Tiger Zinda Hai. However, it lags behind Tiger Zinda Hai by Rs 80 crore in the domestic market. Additionally, it trails Hrithik Roshan’s War by over Rs 130 crore and Shah Rukh Khan’s Pathaan by nearly Rs 300 crore.

While Tiger 3 outperforms the decade-old Ek Tha Tiger in YRF’s Spy Universe, Salman Khan’s recent films post Tiger Zinda Hai have faced box office underperformance. Despite a robust opening day of Rs 44 crore on Diwali, the film’s collections have plummeted since, partly attributed to middling reviews reflecting audience sentiments.

Directed by Maneesh Sharma and starring Katrina Kaif and Emraan Hashmi, Tiger 3 faces tough competition from Pathaan, which garnered over Rs 520 crore domestically and surpassed Rs 1000 crore worldwide. Tiger 3’s current worldwide total slightly exceeds Rs 400 crore, ranking it below War, Tiger Zinda Hai, and Pathaan in YRF’s shared universe. Considering its reported budget of Rs 300 crore, star-studded cast, and cameos by SRK and Hrithik, the film’s performance falls short of expectations, especially with minimal competition.

While Salman Khan’s box office prowess was evident with Tiger Zinda Hai, the subsequent years witnessed setbacks for the actor. The film’s performance prompts discussions about missed opportunities and expectations, considering its significant budget and star-studded ensemble. Tiger 3, despite its initial promise, finds itself as the second-lowest grossing film in YRF’s ambitious Spy Universe, raising questions about its overall impact and reception among the audience.

In conclusion, Salman Khan’s Tiger 3, while achieving the significant milestone of Rs 250 crore, faces a comparative struggle against contemporaries like Pathaan and War. Despite initial promise and a star-studded cast, the film falls short of expectations, raising questions about its overall impact and reception within YRF’s ambitious Spy Universe. The box office dynamics highlight the unpredictable nature of audience preferences and underline the challenges even established stars encounter in the ever-evolving landscape of Indian cinema.

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