Bhopal: The viral video featuring the son of a Union Minister and BJP candidate, from Dimani in Madhya Pradesh’s Morena district has caused quite a stir on media. The video brings to light discussions about transactions involving sums of money. Devendra Pratap Singh Tomar, the individual himself, has lodged a complaint with the police resulting in an FIR being filed. The case is currently being investigated. The circulation of this video has sparked political controversy within the state, particularly between the Congress party and the BJP.

During a press conference Supriya Shrinet, a spokesperson for Congress at the level, questioned the level of corruption within the BJP. She expressed concern over BJP leaders remaining silent on this matter and urged action by the Election Commission. Furthermore, Congress has called for an inquiry into this issue.

Supriya Shrinet emphasized that while Congress neither confirms nor denies the authenticity of the video, it raises questions about transactions associated with mining businesses. She pondered whether the mentioned funds were money that could have been utilised effectively. Additionally she questioned when Devendra Tomar would be questioned by agencies, like ED and CBI. Supriya Shrinet called upon both the Prime Minister and other senior BJP leaders to break their silence on this matter.

The BJP has responded to the allegations made by Congress by accusing them of engaging in malicious tactics out of fear of losing in the elections. 

BJP spokesperson Pankaj Chaturvedi characterized the video as a part of Congress’s conspiracy and suggested that the party was engaging in dirty politics. An FIR has already been registered in this case, and the BJP is confident that the truth will be revealed. Pankaj Chaturvedi also emphasized that the ED and IT agencies do not serve the BJP’s interests but the government’s, and the people will respond to Congress’s conspiracy through the ballot.

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