New Delhi: The air quality in Delhi has now touched the last stage of the index to ‘severe plus’ leaving citizens vulnerable to severe health conditions. The air quality index (AQI) in the national capital on Sunday clocked at 454 which prompted the central government to implement all possible measures to check the air pollution level from breaching any new levels.

According to real-time data, the average AQI has been recorded at 470 today morning which is almost 20 times above the recommended limit given by the World Health Organisation (WHO). A high-level meeting is scheduled for today to take stock of the deteriorating AQI and the implementation of stage 4 under the Graded Response Action Plan (GRAP)

Ahead of the next cricket World Cup match, Bangladesh and Sri Lankan cricketers find it difficult to get some practice sessions done. Asthmatic Bangladesh cricketers remained indoors while Sri Lankan players wore masks.

The New Delhi-based Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI) said a total of 4,160 farm fires have been recorded till Sunday which is highest so far for this season. Punjab alone has reported 3,230 incidents of stubble burning which state’s highest in a day for this season.

The Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Kanpur has reportedly developed a potential solution to address the problem of air pollution in Delhi and its neighbouring regions. They propose the use of “artificial rains” through cloud seeding to help clear pollutants and dust from the air.

Earlier on October 10, 2023, the Supreme Court of India sought a report from the Commission for Air Quality Management (CAQM) on steps being taken to control air pollution in and around Delhi. The court’s order came in response to a plea seeking urgent measures to curb air pollution in the National Capital Region (NCR).

The court directed the CAQM to submit a report within two weeks on the current status of air quality in Delhi and the NCR, steps that have been taken so far to control air pollution, and steps that are planned to be taken in the future. The court also directed CAQM to note challenges that are being faced in controlling air pollution.

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